cleaning equipment

The cleaning industry is thriving with a variety of new methods and techniques. But, there are a few pieces of equipment that are a must-have for any professional cleaner. These products help to simplify the process and save time and effort in a big way. Having the right equipment also helps in ensuring that all the work is done properly.

Having a proper and effective cleaning system in place is key to keeping your facility clean and safe. Whether you’re cleaning the floors, disinfecting food prep equipment or cleaning those hard-to-reach spaces like crevices and other contamination traps, there are several types of cleaning equipment available to keep your job efficient and thorough.


A mop is an essential tool for any facility that has tile or natural stone floors. You can choose from a traditional mop with a bucket that you fill with water and cleaning solution to get the job done, or a steam mop that uses hot water and washable cleaning pads that you don’t have to wring out.

Brushes- Depending on their type, brushes are used to eradicate superficial or ingrained grimes. Some of the most common cleaning brushes include toilet brush, flue brash, and feather brush. These brushes can be handheld or electric operated. They may be used for various cleaning purposes such as scrubbing or simply dusting.

Spray bottles- These are light weight containers that deliver a mist of water or cleaning solutions through a fine nozzle. These are commonly used to clean hard-to-reach areas or for sanitizing small items such as a single piece of equipment or a utensil.

Vacuum cleaners

A vacuum is an integral part of any cleaning system as it can remove a wide range of debris and dirt. There are many different vacuums available that will suit the needs of your facility, including upright or canister-style, a backpack style or cordless, and even industrial units that can be rented on a monthly basis.

Cleaning in place

The FDA Food Code requires that all equipment that can’t easily be moved be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis. That includes popcorn machines, deep fryers and other appliances. A great way to ensure that these difficult-to-clean items are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized is by using cleaning equipment like a wand-operated spray extraction machine. This type of equipment sprays cleaning solution onto carpet and textiles, dissolves the dirt and soapy residue, then powerfully suctiones the entire mess. A sanitizer can also be added to the solution to kill any bacteria that might have survived the cleaning process. If you are considering purchasing or renting cleaning equipment, contact a professional to discuss your options and requirements. They can advise on the best equipment to suit your needs and your budget. They can also provide training for your staff in the use and care of the equipment you select. This will ensure that your cleaning team is comfortable and proficient with the use of all of the equipment in your facility.

Ben Ncube
Author: Ben Ncube